These foods can upset your stomach!


People with stomach disorders can often have feeding problems. You can follow the recommendations in our article to avoid these issues.


Avoid these foods if you have a sensitive stomach.

Do you know how good or bad the food you eat is for your health? Be more careful with your diet, especially if you have an illness. Diet-related health issues are more common, especially among people with stomach problems. High climatic temperature and humidity, especially in summer, cause stress and, as a result, increase gastric acid secretion. All kinds of stress and issues of everyday life, food and drink affect the health of the stomach. It lists seven diseases that impact the stomach, the body's most sensitive organ. These are cancer, reflux, gastritis, dyspepsia, ulcers, heartburn and Gastroparesis. Diet is the most important therapy to treat these diseases. These are the foods that are good and bad for your stomach.

* You may prefer probiotic yogurt and kefir, which are good nutrients for your stomach and gut.
* Fennel and chamomile tea help relieve gas. Favor infusions of linden, lemon balm, echinacea, cinnamon, quince and apple, but avoid excessive consumption. However, do not take these teas just before bedtime. You can enrich your meals with thyme, cumin, coriander, tarragon, cardamom, fennel, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon, which help ease digestion and eliminate gas.
* You can have pineapple, pear, quince, apple, banana, peach, apple juice, pineapple consume juice, carrot juice as they cause less gas and bloating. Why does the stomach hurt? ? The foods you eat can cause heartburn and stomach pain. Therefore, do not upset your stomach and avoid these products.

What you should not eat if you have stomach problems:
* pickles, garlic, citric acid, olives, spicy foods and foods cooked with a lot of tomato paste,
* foods that are too fatty such as chips, roasts, offal, mayonnaise, sauces and creams,
* pastries, syrup and high-fat foods
* cheeses and sausages that are too salty, such as Tulum cheese, halloumi cheese,
* dishes with unknown ingredients,
* foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold,
* reduce consumption of dry legumes as they cause bloating and swelling can cause. Adding coriander, thyme, mint, and cumin while you eat will help reduce food-induced gas and ease digestion
* You can try parsley, dill, basil and other greens for raw vegetables. His stomach is fine, what about his kidneys? How important are they to you? You can unintentionally cause kidney stones to form with the food you eat. Kidney stones are an insidious disease and the frequency increases, especially in summer. It turns the patient's life into a nightmare with intense pain. Stone formation is found in 12 percent of men and 6 percent of women in our country every year. However, it is possible to prevent stone formation by following certain rules.

Don't load your body with too much vitamin C!
• Don't eat too much meat; Avoid consuming processed meat.
• Do not drink carbonated beverages.
• Avoid excessive consumption of milk and milk products, as they contain too much calcium.
• Drink 3 liters of fluids per day; half of that amount should be water.
• Less salt in the diet also reduces calcium absorption. Be careful with salt. The risk is increased by dietary salt and certain foods and drinks such as salted nuts, pickles, fast foods, and bottled water.
• Add spices to your dishes and use vinegar in salads.
• Eliminate foods and beverages high in oxalate from your diet, primarily pie, spinach, strawberries, chocolate, wheat, hazelnuts, beets, tea, cola and cocoa
• If you must eat a food knowing it is high in oxalate, it is beneficial to drink a glass of water before and after.
• Do not take vitamin C in high doses.
Do not consume everything according to the idea. “It's good for the heart and prevents cancer. They say it's good for our health." Because not all foods can be good for you. For example, dried beans are very good for your health, but they may not be the best option for you if you have stomach problems. On the other hand, they may Fruits such as tangerines and oranges, which are high in vitamin C and are commonly eaten in winter, pose a risk to your kidneys, while the acid they contain can cause stomach irritation. If you suffer from kidney and stomach problems, be sure to check before eating whether the food is suitable for you or not.

*Aim of the information in our website is not directing individuals to diagnosis and treatment. Do not perform procedures regarding diagnosis and treatment without approval of your physician. Contents do not include information regarding curative healthcare services of Lowcostmed.

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